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  • Writer's pictureJohn Bowes

Memorial Day Blood Drive 2024

The Marshfield Democratic Town Committee held its blood drive on Saturday, May 25, to

benefit the American Red Cross. People took time out of their busy Memorial Day to give the gift of life by donating blood. The event exceeded expectations, generating a lot of positive vibes and having a positive impact on our community.


Over 50 people participated in the drive, either by donating blood or volunteering to help run the event. Patrick Kearney (the Representative for the 4th Plymouth in Marshfield) stopped by to donate blood, and Becky Coletta (the candidate for the 6th Plymouth in Marshfield) came by to talk to the American Red Cross staff about her experience donating stem cells last month. Over 30 donors came through the blood drive, and the committee had a great group of volunteers greeting them as they arrived. The blood drive was the second civic engagement event that the committee hosted this year.


The blood drive is the latest civic engagement event the committee has hosted this year. These events are mini-volunteer opportunities that improve the Marshfield community and create a positive buzz. The committee kicked off the year by participating in an Earth Day clean-up as part of a town-wide effort by many community groups to pick up litter on the roadways and hiking trails in Marshfield. These two events built on last year's food drive, which collected 12 grocery carts full of non-perishable food items in the fall, and the veterans coat drive, which gathered over 500 coats last winter. The next two events are the beach cleanup the weekend of July 13th, followed by a school supply drive for homeless children in August. You can find out more about these civic engagement events at the committee's blog, plus political engagement events to help elect Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.

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