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  • Writer's pictureJohn Bowes

Sen Warren volunteer opportunities

The Warren campaign is looking for volunteers to help with voter outreach. The Marshfield Democratic Town Committee has put together a list of local volunteer opportunities that include phone banking and neighborhood canvassing campaigns. The purpose of this outreach is to identify who supporters are voting for in the 2024 election.

Weekend canvass

This volunteer opportunity is the most effective at making sure our base votes and takes about 2 hours to complete. Volunteers will be talking to registered Democrats about the Biden and Warren campaigns on Sunday at 10 a.m. in Pembroke. In addition to this coordinated canvas, our candidates all over the South Shore are hosting canvasses for their campaigns, and you can sign up for them directly.

Weekend Sing holding

Another easy volunteer opportunity is sign holding at high-traffic intersections to show support for our Sen Warren. The volunteer opportunity is simply to show up at a specified location, hold the sign, and wave to pass surprise. There two scheduled for Marshfield and Duxbury in the early evening. Volunteers should expect it to take about 2 hours.

Warren Phone bank 

On Tuesday, July 9th, the Warren campaign is hosting a conference call for volunteers. The campaign will introduce new team members, preview how you can get involved in this cycle, and then make some calls to volunteers to plug them into this cycle. The campaign will provide a brief phone bank training, and team members will be available to support volunteers. The call will start at 7 p.m. Interested parties must RSVP to get the link.

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