February Food Drive
On Saturday, February 22nd, the Marshfield DTC is hosting a second food drive to benefit the Marshfield Food Pantry. The committee's last drive was in October 2023, and the team wants to repeat its success in 2025. That is why the team is asking everyone to reach out to their neighbors to help by donating food.
Invite your neighbors!
The committee is organizing a neighborhood outreach campaign to promote the food drive. Participants in the campaign will reach out to voters in their neighborhood to boost awareness of the drive. If you'd like to help, the committee will give you instructions, a contact script, an invitation to the event, and a contact list for 50 Democratic households in your neighborhood. The invitation also includes a schedule for spring town meetings and elections.
How to send a invite card text
Start your text with an introductory message and keep it as short as possible.
"Hi, this is John Bowes.
I'm texting you to invite you to the Marshfield Democratic Town Committee's food drive on Saturday, February 22, between 10 AM and 2 PM at 1837 Ocean St, Marshfield. For more information, click the link below. "
End the text with this web address typed exactly as it appears.