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  • Writer's pictureJohn Bowes

Biden Administration’s NLRB ruling

Union support is growing in America, and support among younger generations is overwhelming. This support has been met with hostility from the Republican Party. (details on Republican anti-union legislation) With large corporations openly engaging in union busting. (Amazon and Starbucks union busting)

To protect workers rights and grow unions, Democrats must win on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and pass the PRO Act (details on PRO Act). As a stopgap, Biden’s NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) ruling is a great starting point.

The NLRB ruling focuses on companies that engage in union busting illegally during unionization elections. Any company found guilty immediately has to begin negotiations with the union, and the union is automatically established rather than having to be elected into existence. (Find out more about ruling) This is major victory for labor is able to start unionizing that can get better wages, safer working conditions, and benefits for Americans working for predatory corporations.

The NLRB ruling focuses on companies that engage in union busting illegally during unionization elections. Any company found guilty immediately has to begin negotiations with the union, and the union is automatically established rather than having to be elected into existence. (Find out more about the ruling.)

This ruling will usher in a new age of organized labor. Giving the labor movement the ability to fight for livable wages, safe work environments, and guaranteed benefits for every working American without the interference of corporations.

It's an exciting time to be an organized laborer. Always remember that the American labor movement created the middle class, gave us the weekend, and has been fighting to make every American's life better.

The Marsfield Democratic Town Committee fully supports the American organized labor movement, thanks them for all their hard work, and looks forward to a bright future.

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