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I am want to thank you for supporting me as chair of the Marshfield Democratic Town Committee. Over the last year, with your support, the committee has been successful in changing the tone of politics in Marshfield with our voter outreach campaign. The theme of this campaign is "Do Good Often!" which the committee does by hosting civic engagement events that are mini volunteer opportunities. Last year, the committee collected 12 grocery carts full of non-perishable items for the food pantry and over 500 winter coats for homeless veterans. To celebrate our success, I am including the "Do Good Often!" button with an invitation to the committee's signature drive on April 6th.

What is a signature drive?

You've probably been asked to sign candidates' nomination papers outside supermarkets and in public spaces. This is the first part of the election process to get on the ballot. Every candidate who wants to run must collect a predetermined number of signatures. Signature collection is a logistical nightmare for campaigns, frequently resulting in the collection of invalid signatures. (More Info)


Volunteer opportunity

To help all the democratic candidates, the committee is hosting a signature drive on April 6th at the public library. The committee has collected nomination papers for each of the seven Democratic candidates. Between the hours of 10 and 2, please stop by and help the local Democratic candidates get on the November ballot. The volunteer activity for this event is to sign your name on all seven of the nomination papers. The whole process should take less than 15 minutes. (More Info)


Neighborhood outreach

I would greatly appreciate it if you would help the committee build awareness of this event by inviting 50 of your neighbors to the signature drive. If you can help the committee, reach out to me, and I'll provide you with a list of Democrats that live in your neighborhood with contact information. You can invite them however you feel comfortable by dropping invitations off at people's doors, mailing them to them, or sending them electronically. (More Info)

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